About Me
A few years ago, I gave myself a photo-a-day challenge and shared a photo each day on Instagram for one year. In order to grow through this project, and have some fun, I challenged myself to see the mundane moments of life as potential images to share each evening.
Very quickly my camera became my constant companion whether I was going to the library, hiking in a state park, attending a powwow, wandering through a community garden, or just walking down neighborhood streets. Whether it was the humid afternoons of August fogging up my camera lens or the subarctic mornings of January rapidly numbing my fingers, I always found myself in my favorite place, the Zone. My focus would quietly narrow to creating the composition that was forming in my imagination and the world outside of my composition would fade away briefly while I worked. Serendipity is addicting!
And what about when I’m not carrying my camera with me at the auto salvage yard or sneaking up on squirrels near my bird feeders or family members working in the kitchen? Those are the times I’ll likely be fermenting some sauerkraut, watching a video on Youtube for personal development, or listening to the desert blues of the Sahara.